Monday, January 16, 2012

Monday Blues

Hello out there! How was your Monday? Mine was pretty good! Things are starting to make sense at work and my apartment is finally starting to get put together :)

Today's outfit is inspired by Monday mornings. I'm always so sad to see the weekend end. To make it a little less sad, I took out my feelings on my outfit and made it as fun as I could. So without further adieu, today's outfit!

Today's one of those very rare days where I'm not wearing Gap, but I did want to say hello to anyone who stumbled upon this blog from the Gap's retweet of my posting from last week. Follow me on twitter, watch my boards on pinterest, or subscribe. And leave some love! I want to hear from you!


P.S. - don't you just hate when you pay full price for something and it's on sale like a month later!! Makes me crazy :)

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